Roundup: News From the Boondocks

►Two state-owned corporations, the National Power Corporation (NAPOCOR) and the ridiculously named PSALM (for Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management Corporation), have not been paying their taxes to the province of Benguet. Sue them now. [Nordis]

►Typhoon kills three people, destroys one house, partially wrecks 13 other houses, and causes the evacuation of 3,000 Cordillerans. [Manila Times]

►The fact finding team formed to investigate alleged infra project anomalies finishes its probe. It will soon issue its report. [Manila Bulletin]

►Drought damages corn crops in Kalinga and Ifugao. Damage is valued at P86 million in Kalinga and P67 million in Ifugao. [Sunstar]

►The Abra Provincial Veterenarian and a local hog raisers association want a selective an on the entry on the entry of swine/swine products to the province in order to prevent the spread of hog cholera and other diseases. [PIA]

►The small merchants-killing and garbage-creating SM Baguio is accused of violating road right-of-way. [Nordis]

►Huh! Do we really need to spend P7 million to find out whether people would like their barangays to disappear? [Nordis]

►Agriculture office distributes 624 ducks to the different Mt. Province municipalities. We hope those ducks don’t to straight to the cooking pot. [PIA]

►Bugkalot, Kalanguya, Ibaloi, and Ifugao villagers unite against mining in Nueva Vizcaya. Some of them gets sued by those greedy foreign mining companies. [Inquirer].

►The House of Representatives honors the U.S. Peace Corps and cites Julia Campbell. [Inquirer]

►Church launches its drive against illegal recruiters. [Northern Philippine Times]

PREVIOUS ROUNDUPS: August 8; July 12; June 28.

4 thoughts on “Roundup: News From the Boondocks”

  1. The news from home is both intense and sometimes it makes me angry – especially the illegal recruiters. Last week, NBC a Filipina recruited by a fellow Filipina to Malaysia, and was later on sold to prostitution. This makes me so mad.

  2. Ahahahaha… Good comment about the ducks!

    I agree with Kayni on illegal recruiters. Kahit ako na di nagmumura e napapamura sa mga news na ganito. It makes your blood boil.

    Ay Halsema Highway, kaano kan ton aya nga malpas! I hope if the report finds out that the money went to some people’s pockets (as I’m sure it did), that they would actually do something about it. I think that’s the most important part.

  3. Hi Kayni,
    Oo nga eh, illegal recruitment really is a big problem dito. And I don’t understand the mentality of people who would sell other people. Masyado na yatang nawala ang values nating mga Pinoy. Thanks.

    Hi Layad,
    Hehe. Agree about Halsema money going to some pockets :-(. Let’s see what the investigation report will reveal. Thanks.

  4. We extend our condolence to more deaths. It is especially hard to read news about deaths of young people. May their souls rest in peace.

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