One of those feel good stories that can reverse a bad day. It raises a question about health care in the Philippines but, in honor of Willie Nelson, let’s accentuate the positive :-). Go, Jingle!
From the Associated Press via Inquirer:
One of those feel good stories that can reverse a bad day. It raises a question about health care in the Philippines but, in honor of Willie Nelson, let’s accentuate the positive :-). Go, Jingle!
From the Associated Press via Inquirer:
It’s a bit of a challenge to find news stories written about our Isneg brothers and sisters as well as stories on the Cordillera boundary towns so I’m thrilled when I came across this story by Floy Quintos.
Apparently, it’s because of some misunderstanding. From Deped CAR:
According to a legend, Apayao is derived from the combination from the Ilocano word “Apay” meaning “Why” and Tagalog word “Ayaw” meaning “Don’t like”, the legend tells of an Ilocano and Tagalog who accidentally met in one forest of the province. The Ilocano ask, “Apay adaka ditoy?” to which the Tagalog answered,”Ayaw” thinking that Ilocano is offering food. Not understanding each other, they fought. Men from a nearby village the two men fighting and hearing the word “Apay” and “Ayaw”. The place was then referred as Apay-ayaw by the villagers thus came the name Apayao.