Category Archives: Culture and Tradition

Lost in Translation

This is interesting. Using Google translate to convert a Spanish article on the Cordilleras to English produces an interesting, maybe “eyebrow-raising”, results. Consider this:

Los miembros de la tribu Igorot hace ya algunos aƱos que dejaron de vestir su tradicional taparrabos o “bahad”, que ahora portan en ocasiones especiales, como bodas o festivales, y las mujeres tampoco lucen a diario el “tapis”, una falda blanca, negra y roja que deja al descubierto todo su torso.

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Boon Award: The Center for Ibaloi Heritage and Loakan History

Remember the Boon Awards which we started last year to honor people or groups who are doing something positive for our communities? We haven’t been giving it for some time but here’s another awardee: The Center for Ibaloi Heritage and Loakan History.

Vincent Cabreza’s article below will tell you why they deserve the award. Kudos to the people behind the Center particularly in light of the following:
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Rapelling at the Kiangan War Memorial

I don’t know about you but this video bugs me a lot. I visited the Kiangan War Memorial ten years ago and I really appreciate what the government did in putting up this shrine which commemorates the bravery of our foreparents during World War II. So I’m a little shocked and quite irritated that this guy and his companions are using the shrine for their rappelling activities.

Dude, it’s a shrine. A shrine is almost like a church or any place of worship. It is almost like a burial ground hallowed by the dead who lie there.

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Lyrics: Igorota Song

Some of you have been googling for the lyrics of the Igorota song performed by Jun Utleg so we decided to blog about it. Here’s the unofficial lyrics transcribed by a bibaknets member and forwarded to us.

On a soft green [play] ground by the river bend
She was sitting there to meet the morning sun
She was playing a [flute] when the songbird’s broke out

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