We’re posting this general invitation letter to the International Igorot Consultation scheduled in Banaue, Ifugao next year. Thanks to Art Tibaldo for forwarding it to us.
To: All Igorots, like minded peoples,
friends, supporters and their families
where so ever dispersed around the world:
Greetings from IGO Philippines!
The Igorot Global Organization Philippines is inviting all Igorots, like-minded peoples, friends, supporters and their families to the 7th Igorot International Consultation (IIC-7) to be held in Banaue, Ifugao on April 12 to 15, 2008.
This will give opportunities for all to join discussions, festivities and workshops on the theme “Nurturing our culture and resources to chart and secure our destiny.” We will also discuss the next IIC, which is now becoming a tradition for Igorots all over the world to hold an international reunion every two years in various locations in the five continents, to be held in Vancouver, Canada in 2010.
We choose Banaue, Ifugao as venue for IIC-7 because: Banaue is one of the 8th wonders of the world, and one place where original culture of indigenous peoples applied in their lifestyles and management of the environment and natural resources remain distinguishable.
The timing is excellent too; April is the month of festivities in the Cordillera with various celebrations. IIIC-7 is just after the Lang-ay of Mountain Province and before the Imbayah of Ifugao as well as the schedule of various special events like the St. Mary’s Homecoming in Mt. Province, and other various clan/family reunions elsewhere. So an extended stay in the Philippines is recommended for those who are coming from overseas.
For more information, please refer to www.banaue.net and www.igorotglobal.org. For clarifications, please feel free to contact the following: For programs, Philian Weygan at philian@mozcom.com; for registration, Ursula Dao-ey at ubdbrent@yahoo,com; for accommodations, Marcelina Bahatan at marcelinabahatan@yahoo.com;for the souvenir program,IIC7sovprog@yahoo.com.
Likewise, invite your friends, family and acquaintances to join us in this celebration to be in touch with the realities of our communities.
President IGO Philippines
(Regional Director, NEDA-CAR)
this seems interesting… hmmm…
Hi Arcibald,
Interesting indeed. You might want to get in touch with the group. Thanks 🙂