Here’s a video of an airsoft group based in La Trinidad, Benguet. The video gets repetitive when you reach the midpoint but the soundtrack still makes it interesting to watch. Nice editing too.
The group has a website here for those who are interested in joining STEALTH a.k.a. Special Tactics and Extreme Airsofters of La Trinidad Highlands.
VIDEO CREDIT: rastah87
Pretty cool past time(if you have the resources). My younger bro was asking me to send him some camouflage uniform and mask, of course my reaction was: what for?! And that’s how I found out about the airsoft. I am just familiar with the paintball since it’s the one popular around here.
I used to play “paltug-paltog” with my bro and cousins when I was younger but I have my reservations with real looking guns. Nu ad iti nabagtit ken nagsubstitute iti agpaysu nga paltog, baka may matigok pa! I guess this fear stems from too much violence in real life that I’ve seen on TV about Shootings at the schools, malls and highways which makes me really think hard first before buying a toy gun.
After hearing about a young person(whom I personally know from school) and his girlfriend getting kidnapped and shot execution style in Pampanga makes me shiver when I see guns(fake or real).
Pretty cool past time(if you have the resources). My younger bro was asking me to send him some camouflage uniform and mask, of course my reaction was: what for?! And that’s how I found out about the airsoft. I am just familiar with the paintball since it’s the one popular around here.
I used to play “paltug-paltog” with my bro and cousins when I was younger but I have my reservations with real looking guns. Nu ad iti nabagtit ken nagsubstitute iti agpaysu nga paltog, baka may matigok pa! I guess this fear stems from too much violence in real life that I’ve seen on TV about Shootings at the schools, malls and highways which makes me really think hard first before buying a toy gun.
After hearing about a young person(whom I personally know from school) and his girlfriend getting kidnapped and shot execution style in Pampanga makes me shiver when I see guns(fake or real).