FtB Lister: Marky Cielo

Its been nearly a year since Marky Cielo joined Starstruck and its been like seven months since he ended up winning the whole thing. For those of you who have not heard of him yet, Marky — who made our List in Part 1— is this boy from Bauko, Mt. Province who won GMA-7’s nationwide talent search. If you want the details of how he did it, you should head over to pinoyrickey.org who blogged about the whole thing. You should also go to markycielo.com where you can find the latest news about our boy.

Anyway, since his victory, Marky has been busy with his televesion shows and he appears to have remained down to earth and level headed. He, in other words, continues to be an excellent Igorot ambassador and a very good model for the Filipino youth. (Photos courtesy of pinoyrickey and Marky’s website.)

5 thoughts on “FtB Lister: Marky Cielo”

  1. hello there,

    interesting website you have here. i’m half-Igorot. are you blogging from the Philippines? you don’t seem to have a profile.

  2. Hi. Thanks. Yup, blogging from the Philippines. I still have to work on the profile thing since I’ve just shifted to blogger beta and am just learning my way around. I like your site, very unique and fun title. Are you somehow related to the Reyeses in Sagada?

  3. My mom is from Kilong, Sagada and she married a Reyes from Cavite. Not sure if that’s the Reyeses you are referring to.

  4. They’re a different family then since they grew up in Sagada. But who knows, maybe you are related. Some of them are in Toronto and are active in BIBAK affairs.

  5. I have been away for so long… and have not heard about all this thing happening there. I have a little information about a young man from Baguio who is one survivor of the starstruk. I was just saying that all the best for him.

    Only few days ago i got into my computer find his name.

    i was frezz with my tears runing down to my check. Because of joy. I couldn’t believe that a man from a mountain province and her mom is happen to be my first cousin’s aunti.
    when i saw his pics he just look like francis…….

    His lolo is from Bagnen Oriente where i grown.

    Marky…. maintain that humble heart and always be proud to igoy. We back you in prayers….. God Bless you …. as you go on…

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