In the first place do we have to have her inaugurate everything? Like she has no more important things to do? But wait, she really has no more important things to do.
From the Inquirer:
Top public works officials will no longer wait for President Macapagal-Arroyo to open the city’s controversial flyover, whose construction she once tried to stop.
The flyover “will open to all types of vehicles 14 days after Tuesday (Jan. 14),” which is Jan. 28, according to Public Works Undersecretary Ramon Aquino. It needed “further curing” over two weeks, he said.
Ms Arroyo’s schedule was no longer “an issue,” Aquino told the Inquirer on Friday, when he supervised a “final inspection” of the flyover together with the quality assessment team of the Department of Public Works and Highways.
INFO SOURCE: Inquirer. PHOTO CREDIT: Aldrin Zapata
Why is she (GMA) important anyway? I mean, the DPWH folks already had their share…hehehe…
hey, i’ve seen this. kakatuwa kasi nakakarelate ako. but i didn’t know that it was controversial. anyway, bill, i’ve made a new video about sumaguing cave and saggas were so nice to help me out. maybe you might be interested to feature that video so saggas would be promoted to sagada’s tourism. i’ve also recently featured an article about the men of saggas. they’re all in my blog. thank you for all your informative posts.
Perhaps this flyover is Congressman Domogan’s worst “would-be legacy” to date. And this prediction applies not only to Baguioites. A big bulk of the flyover fund, first promised to improve some northernmost, backward Corldillera towns, was manipulated to finish this concrete structure which is not a priority in its entirety. Long after his stint in Congress, Representative Mauricio Domogan’s name will echoe loudly in the ears of those whose towns should have benefited most had the flyover fund been spent with prudence.
Benguet Congressman Samuel Dangwa is not widely known in Congress, but he is fervently loved by people in his district and will surely be remembered for his several poverty alleviation projects, projects that matter to the masses, projects that are not as controversial as the BGH Flyover.